Human Flower Project

Orrington, MAINE USA

flag flower bed

parker basket thumb
Princeton, MAINE USA

Monday, July 16, 2007

‘In Lieu of’ for Lady Bird? Not Hardly!

Flowers poured in for the U.S.  former first lady, tributes from the mighty and the more-than-meek. Do tell!


At the LBJ Library July 14, friends of Lady Bird Johnson

admired the many floral tributes—and their senders

All Photos: Anonymous

Reading through many obituaries of Lady Bird Johnson, we didn’t once catch sight of the phrase “in lieu of flowers….” Generous as she was to many organizations, notably the Wildflower Center that bears her name, Mrs. Johnson and her family didn’t see fit to discourage blooms as she was mourned and buried this weekend. What a relief and joy!

We weren’t among the guests invited to her private obsequies, but a friend of ours was. At a reception held on the 10th floor of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Memorial Library on Saturday, our friend took a look at the cards tucked in several of the arrangements (and pictures of some other folks doing the same thing). Our friend expressed a smidgen of embarrassment at having peeked at the names, but we assured him/her that such curiosity is only proper. So is spreading the word.

People who send ostentatious (or why don’t we call them “gorgeous”) floral arrangements to a funeral are doing a wonderful thing, and they’re rightfully inviting and deserving credit. In our view, it’s no different than someone with a powerful singing voice really opening up for a hymn. Isn’t there some good advice about not putting your light under a bushel? Likewise, we think, don’t put a sock in your mouth when it’s time to sing or refrain from sending flowers with your name on them to ANY occasion.

So, here are just a few of the many flower arrangements sent to honor Lady Bird Johnson (and to distinguish the givers a bit, too). Many thanks to our delightful and distinguished and discreet camera-toting friend.


A floral Texas flag from ?? and wreath from pianist Van Cliburn


From the Rev. Billy Graham


From (l-r) Betty Ford, the Reza Pahlavi family (Shah of Iran), and ??


Posted by Julie on 07/16 at 04:14 PM
FloristsReligious RitualsSecular CustomsPermalink